Faith in God

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. Faith is knowing that God is! How can we want the Most High to do exceedingly abundantly all that we can ask or think but not trust that He has the power and control to do it? When we move outside of His will, His word or His way then we become our own power and remove the Father out of His set apart position. Give Him permission to work on your behalf.

When we come humbly before the LORD we must believe with all of our heart, body and soul that He has heard us and that He will move mountains for us. We also have to trust that whatever we bring to the Most High’s footstool will leave us victorious. In other words…get out of the way and allow God to be who He is. Just remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue. Don’t rob Yah of His Authority.